May 21, 2013 Christi

Thanks for the Book Reviews

I’ve had some amazing people reach out with support for Burn Wild: A Writer’s Guide to Creative Breakthrough. I just read through these book reviews again, slowly, and let them sink in. I’m still working up to another read of the exquisite posts at My Own Sweet Thyme and Martin Eke. Gulp. And another grateful visit to Forest Avenue Press as well as the site of its creator, Laura Stanfill.


What I’m doing: giving myself permission to appreciate what I’ve accomplished. This is a rare opportunity, since I’m usually so focused on the next thing.

I have a limited shelf life for compliments. I can accept them–for a few moments, and then I tend to toss them.

Talking to other writers, entrepreneurs and creative folks, I notice I’m not the only one who does this. Any day, I can hear someone brushing off compliments or saying, “Yeah, but . . . ”

There’s always a reason something is not good enough.

fire_patternThere’s always friction, a push to get that compliment offstage. It’s as if the critic (I call him Dr. Codger) has strict controls and time limits on good words.

But what if we just let that go, and dwelt on the kind words and good points regarding the work we finished, the painting we made, the story we wrote? Something to think about.

Meantime, thank you, to the big-hearted Yuvi Zalkow, for your genuine noticing and encouraging backup, and to Lisa Feather, for the stunning talent you bravely unfold, to Gypsy Martin, for your brilliant, balanced perceptions and invaluable friendship, and to Valerie Wagner for your willing, teachable, lovable soul, and to Laura Stanfill–where would I be without you as a pal and sparkplug? To Edee Lemonier, for your enthusiasm and invincibility and growth, to Sheila Deeth for your support and kindred spirit, and to the talented Marcia Johnston, for reaching out, and to steadfast Roberto, who makes me so proud, and to my beautiful students who came out of the woodwork and shared connections with the material.

Thank you for the thank-you’s, and the great lessons in accepting the positives, and for sharing this heart-expanding journey with me.

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