December 10, 2013 Christi

The Enneagram for Awakening: Old Egos and New Heroes

See on Scoop.itArtful and Mindful Living From the Muppets to Mother Teresa, enneagram fixations are everywhere. Eckhart Tolle and Abraham-Hicks have been a massive help t…

Christi Krug‘s insight:

What is the enneagram? A delightful key to what drives you. 


It’s humbling and freeing all at the same time to find out that your stumbling blocks aren’t unique.


For example, I was shocked to discover that my lifelong complaint, "No one understands me" was the common perspective of type 4.


In any case, I’m loving Joshua French’s perspectives on the enneagram, and according to his great video introduction, I’m Kermit the Frog.


Sigh. It’s not easy being green.



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