October 15, 2013 Christi

Sometimes you just have to leave a tiger behind : Path of Possibility

See on Scoop.itWriting

Christi Krug‘s insight:

This reflection on choices and priorities is hugely meaningful to me today.


I find I can’t do everything I long to do – "This is what the courageous writing life demands of us. We will not get it all done. We will not end up the person or writer we thought we were becoming."


It is the dillemma of the creative person to face choices.


Sage Cohen’s words remind that it is all right to use different gifts and talents and go a different direction than I once expected.


Each time I choose a direction, I am releasing an earlier expectation – a wildcat, a dream.


Sage affirms that it is all right to let go of such expectations, to wink and nod at the tiger, even wistfully, and wave a gentle goodbye.


See on pathofpossibility.com

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